Witchy Wednesdays | 10.16.24-10.23.24: Radical Change & Transformation
Aries Full Moon Revelations, Glamour as a Shield, and Faith Based Action.
10.16-10.23.24: Tarot Reading Pulls:
Listed are the decks the cards and where to buy them in the spread below. Please read from left to right:
Card 1: Ego - Oracle of Oddities by Black and the Moon
Card 2: 10 of Pentacles - Wayhome Tarot by Everyday Magic
Card 3: Dishonesty by Death Doula Oracle
Cards 4,6, and 8: Nine of Cups, Three of Pentacles, and Knight of Cups by Spolia Tarot (currently out of print)
Card 5: Stretch - Our Wise Animal Body by Devany Amber Wolfe
Cards 7 and 9: The Empress and Ace of Swords - Rosa Obscura by Orla Bird
Cards 10: Ten of Wands - vintage deck from Etsy
Below are bits of the transcript of this reading from the Podcast episode.
Starting with the 10 of Pentacles, this card is reminding me of Pluto's last hurrah in Capricorn. I am reminded by the Sabian Symbol for Capricorn 30° which is, A Secret Meeting Of Men Responsible For Executive Decisions In World Affairs. For example this could be the president, CEOs, and people with authority making critical decisions this week. Then we have this Ego energy. We all have an ego and either we bring our seat to the table or we're already seated at the table, with the 10 of Pentacles.
Usually, with this card you can find fulfillment and contentment. You feel like you're seated at the right table and this could be an ego-driven thing. I mean, our ego keeps us like alive! It's for our survival, but it's also making sure that we get ourselves to the right table with the right people. Let's see what happens with this Full Moon in Aries, because there might be an ego trying to disrupt the status quo. I mean, we already know what that is illuminating to when it comes to some candidate that is running that has a huge ego and is all about going against established law and order, which is the 10 of Pentacles.
The 10 of Pentacles and Ego card inspires you to think about what tables do you belong to in your life. How did your ego play a part in getting yourself at these tables? I think it's really important that we have the right people seated at the right tables that are trying to create abundance, prosperity, and happiness for all and that aligns with the traditional meaning of the Ten of Pentacles. It's very collective with the Ten of Pentacles as well. But we still have self-interest. So we're going to see how this develops here.
Last week's reading was very ambiguous and interesting. There was masculine energy and then there was feminine energy. It felt like this swirl of confusion and misunderstanding. But there is a lot of Neptunian Pisces energy with this retrograde. We're going to be talking about that with the Sabian Symbols. First and foremost Do Not feed into the hype of fear. That's what they want. We have the Three of Pentacles reversed, Knight of Cups upright and the Nine of Cups. This is an energy that we're going to see this week with the Sabian Symbols and its continuation in 2025.
Last year, I was asked by Llewellyn to write a piece on the Sabian Symbols for 2025 (you can read more about it here) and they are rather optimistic and transformative. We have to keep the light shining. We have to keep optimism at an all time high and we have our Nine of Cups here which is when wishes and dreams come true. There is so much infinite potential and abundance around us at all times, we just have to tune into it. The Nine of Cups feels like we have an opportunity to pursue our destined path in life. I think this is very beautiful and we need to continue to reflect and manifest our dreams into existence. We need to focus on manifestation. We need to focus on an abundance mentality, not a lack than mentality. Lack than, fear-based mentality, and scarcity-minded - that is low vibrational. If you try to envision opportunity and positivity for your future, that is high vibrational.
For the Knight of Cups we can look at this card without a gender and base it as an overall energy. I feel the Knight of Cups is our Knight in Shinning Armor, our Joan of Arc with it being next to the Empress. I believe this energy represents Kamala and her being the light we need in the darkness that is trying to take over. The Joan of Arc character has a lot of new ideas and motivations with the Ace of Swords, but faces many challenges ahead with the 10 of Wands showing up. Kamala’s ideas will be challenged, but she is determined. She is a warrior and a Libra with an Aries Moon and Gemini Ascendant and will not stop at anything. Also, her career as a prosecutor has prepared her for the battles that lay ahead for the Three of Pentacles reversed is a lack of collective cooperation that she will face once she is President. Kamala will have to use her diplomatic Libra nature to get others at the table of the 10 of Pentacles and it will not be easy.
To end this card reading, one way we can move our animal body at this time to Stretch, take a walk, and touch some grass to clear our heads. It is a stressful time, but we cannot let this uncertain energy sit in our bodies and wear us down. Move your body, stay in faith, and keep your dreams alive.
For the full tarot reading, make sure you listen, read the transcript, or watch this reading on my Podcast and Youtube channel. Also, here is a tarot spread for the Aries Full Moon that was inspired by this tarot card reading and the Sabian Symbols I will be talking about below.
Astro Weekly Forecast: October 16-23, 2024
1.) 10.16: Venus Trine Neptune (Scorpio 27°50/Pisces 27°51)
2.) 10.17: Venus Sextile Pluto (Scorpio 29°01/Capricorn 29°38)*
3.) 10.17: Full Moon in Aries 24°34*
4.) 10.17: Venus Enters Sagittarius 00°00
5.) 10.22-23: Sun Square Pluto (Libra 29°04/Capricorn 29°39)*
6.) 10.22: Mercury Trine Saturn (Scorpio 13°11/Pisces 13°11)*
7.) 10.22: Venus Trine North Node (Sagittarius 5°14/Aries 5°14)*
8.) 10.22: Sun Enters Scorpio 00°00
( The * symbol references the Sabian Symbols I will be covering)
If you would like to listen to this reading on my podcast here is the latest episode.
October 17th: The Aries Full Moon
1.) Venus Sextile Pluto (Scorpio 29°01/Capricorn 29°38)*: We’ve Reached Our Boiling Point!
Before Venus enters Sagittarius later in the day, it will sextile Pluto. We are at our boiling point emotionally. Think of this energy as the pep talk a couch gives their team before they play their rival. The team is amped up, pissed off, and seeking revenge to win the match. When passionate Scorpio with authoritative and restrictive Capricorn mix, it can feel like a fizzy drink that has been thrown down the stairs and about to burst open at the bottom. The tension has been built up and we are ready to blow. Then enters the Aries Full Moon.
2.) 10.17: Full Moon in Aries 24°34: Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see.
The Aries Full moon is still part of the eclipse season energy and what has transpired back in April of this year with the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. So much can change in six months, it is WILD! Below linked in my Substack Reads is a more in-depth overview of the astrology surrounding this full moon by Astrology Insights with Theresa Touhey.
I want to focus this nostalgic on the Sabian Symbol of the moon and bring another perspective to this energy. The Sabian Symbol for Aries 25° is, The Possibility For Man To Gain Experience At Two Levels Of Being. The Keynote, The revelation of new potentialities. The Keywords: Faith and Progression. A breakdown of this symbol is, ‘if we envision it we can become it’ or ‘our thoughts mirror our reality’. We have to have belief and faith in ourselves to manifest our dreams and desires. The duality of this symbol is that what we believe to be true may actually be something else entirely. Anyone can say anything, but if they do not actually believe it then it will not come into fruition. Do not become disillusioned or gaslit by someone's lies or half-truths. They say ‘believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see’ and that aligns here. The Full Moon in Aries wants you to pay attention and to not lose your truth and integrity to those speaking louder than you. The Aries Full Moon remind me of this Torres song below:
With Neptune retrograde in Pisces, it can be a time of false promises, for what may look good on the outside may actually have different alternative motives in reality. It’s all a show and Aries despises inauthenticity. People with hidden agendas will soon have their plans exposed. Yet, we need to remember that Aries is an optimistic sign and this is where we have to remain disciplined. We must expect goodness to bring us out of this shadow of the darkness slowly enveloping us. When we live in faith and strive for good, we see all the wonderful possibilities before us. We also have the Full Moon in Aries square Mars in Cancer. Mars is traditionally the planetary ruler for Aries, but is currently in its detriment in the sign Cancer. The vibe of this transit is very brat, and I don't necessarily mean in a Charli XCX way, but we may feel bratty and that things are taking too long and if you know Aries energy, they do not like to wait! They want what they want NOW! There can be some agitation with this moon and we need to make sure we keep our cool by not going off on others.
I was curious to see that the opposing Sabian Symbol for Libra 25° and how it mirrors the Full Moon in Aries. Then Sabian Symbol is, The Sight Of An Autumn Leaf Brings To A Pilgrim The Sudden Revelation Of The Mystery Of Life And Death. The Keynote, The ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning. The Keywords: Clair-Seeing, Seeing Through. To break this Sabian Symbol down it is talking about Clairvoyance. It is a developed ability of intuition and just knowing things, feeling them, and there is no particular reason or why or how, it just is. Clairvoyance is the Divine or Spirit, giving us signs and it is up to us to listen to them and decipher the hidden meanings. This Sabian Symbols mentions the season of Autumn, which can be a metaphor for death and rebirth. We are in Libra Season which is in fall where the days are darker, whereas Aries is the spring and the light takes over. We are in a time of revelations and the Full Moon in Aries is the catalyst for their reveal.
3.) 10.17: Venus Enters Sagittarius 00°00: Your Heart on Fire.
Venus Enters Sagittarius and this is more of a spontaneous lighthearted energy, but it can be also be rage-based. There is a lot of scattered emotions lingering from Venus in Scorpio and I feel arguments and battles will be among us. Also, soonMercury retrograde in Sagittarius next month will add some fuel to the fire. Below is my favorite Astro wordwitch Alice Sparkly Kat sums up the Venus in Sagittarius energy perfectly.
October 22nd: Aries Full Moon Aftermath
4.) 10.22-23: Sun Square Pluto (Libra 29°04/Capricorn 29°39): Information Overwhelm.
Whatever transpires around the Full Moon in Aries will need some deep reflection, for there are no major aspects until this day. Before the Sun leaves Libra it will square Pluto. It is a challenging aspect that forces us to make radical changes in our lives. Whatever it may be, death has come and now rebirth is arriving. Scorpio is the Phoenix rising from the ashes. What are the ashes and what is rising, it is too soon to tell. The Sabian Symbol for Libra 30° is, Three Mounds Of Knowledge On A Philosophers Head. The Keynote, The fulfillment f man’s power of understanding at whatever level of existence the person operates. The Keywords: Holistic approach to knowledge.
There is going to be a lot on our mind this day. It can feel like a headache and there will be a lot on the minds of people in positions of authority who are in charge of making executive decisions for our future. Whatever it may or bring, we are reflecting on the past by trying to find the right answers for our future. We are reflecting on patterns from the past, trying to connect the dots to see how a specific result may have manifested and how to best avoid or even welcome it in the future. It’s a lot to process, but with the significance of the number 3 in this symbol, some form of completion will ensue. Decisions are being made and some finalization will arrive.
5.) 10.22: Mercury Trine Saturn (Scorpio 13°11/Pisces 13°11): New News and the Glitch in the Matrix.
Mercury and Saturn are adding heat to fire as well. This is a very serious day full of mental strategy and stimulation. Maybe we are waiting on a decision for something, but whatever it is, it is a very methodical. The Sabian Symbol for Scorpio 14° is, Telephone Lineman At Work Installing New Connections. The Keynote, The need to establish new channels of communication. The Keywords: Comprehension, Networking, and Communication. There might be a glitch in the matrix, social media might be down, a power outage, or deep secrets being revealed to the collective that has us all in shock may be the outcome of this aspect! One thing is for sure, there will be a need to connect and reach out with others to share knowledge and news. Listening to one another is also important, for we need to hear the right information so that the truth can be revealed.
The Sabian Symbol for Pisces 14°, is one of my favorites for it reminds me of a movie screen siren or femme fatale. The symbol is, A Lady Wrapped In A Large Stole Of Fox Fur. The Keynote, The use of intelligence and mental subtlety as a protection against storms and trials. The Keywords: Protective Shielding, and Intelligence. Fox symbolism in mythology and even the Lenormand, is a character that is cunning, clever, and subtle. This person can walk the walk and talk the talk. People are captivated by them. People either fear them or want to be them and that is part of the lore. Glamour, Beauty, Intelligence, Grace, Confidence and Wit, are the attributes this person possess, for they have it all. However, this sly cool behavior is a strategic tactic to influence others to get them what they wan.! Who this person is, I have a few people in mind, but I think ultimately we desire to embody this type of energy every now and then. Yet, it needs to be controlled so the ego does not take over and things get out of hand.
6.) 10.22: Venus Trine North Node (Sagittarius 5°14/Aries 5°14)*
The last aspect of this jam packed day is this beautiful trine between Venus and the North Node. This is such an uplifting transit that reminds us to keep the light on in moment of darkness. Here is the Sabian Symbol for Aries 6°, A Square, With One Of Its Sides Brightly Illuminated. The Keynote, The emotional desire for concrete and stabilized existence as a person. The Keywords: Inner Stability. This symbols is about staying positive and not letting one side or one situation take hold. We need to remember during these uncertain times to ‘look for the light and then head towards it.’ We must refuse to surrender to darkness, stress, anxiety, and fear. Also, we need to think outside the box for solutions to our problems. Only one side of the box is Brightly Illuminated, that is the portal that we enter. We need to stay in faith when darkness surrounds us and remember that anything is possible when we believe in our authentic truth.
Here is an article that speaks of Kamala’s faith I found inspiring.
The Sabian Symbol for Sagittarius 6° is, A Game of Cricket. The Keynote, The development of skill in group-situations testing collective goals. The Keywords: Group Solidarity. Teamwork can make the dream work, but everyone must play along and follow the rules. Respect in earned by those with good sportsmanship. This is something that we must take into consideration in our lives and collectively. Who is playing fair and who is trying to cut corners and cheat?
With the North Node in Aries we have come a long way to be true to ourselves and not be cheated or played by those who have not done the real work. You know what they say, ‘all is fair in love and war! Thankfully, Aries and Sagittarius know how to battle.
7.) 10.22: Sun Enters Scorpio 00°00
Scorpio Season starts today and I’m convinced that we are in a stimulation, because where did this year go?
Music of the Week:
I did a thing and bought a record player! This may sound shocking to most, for as a certified music snob you would think I would already own one. However, one of the main reasons why I am just venturing on this journey is because of space and expense. For the last decade I have lived in NYC and as you know, space is hard to come by in the city of lights. Also, my best friends and I have this running joke that you have to choose between crystals or records as your addiction of choice. Both are expensive and place fillers in the home, so you have to choose only once vice wisely! In the past, collecting crystals was my drug of choice, but now I feel like I have a substantial collection and I’m ready to embrace a new habit. I also moved to the metro Detroit area and live in a house, so I think it is the right time to start a record collection with more available space.
Currently, I have only bought a few albums, some of which are Jessica Pratt’s Here in the Pitch and Clairo’s Charm, but I am working on my collection slowly. I have decided to treat myself to one new album a week. Here is what I currently have so far and this is the record player I bought and Highly recommend.
Substack Reads of the Week:
Inspired by last weeks Substack reads post, I have decided to continue this weekly by sharing my favorite Substack posts of the week! I have to say it is such a treat to get emails weekly from my favorite writers. It makes me feel comforted and aligned, especially the political posts that I am seeing that confirm to me what I know and feel in my heart, but it’s always nice to have others share your same beliefs. In a time when demonic forces are trying to polarize us and make us feel alone, they will never be able to succeeded and wipe out community. Here are may favorite Substack reads of the week and I hope you feel like a warm hug in these hard times.
1.) Future Past Astrology: A beautiful and insightful post about Libra.
2.) Astrology Insights with Theresa Touhey - your extensive guide to the Aries Full Moon. I really enjoyed reading Theresa’s insights!
3.) Becoming Whole by Dr. Erica Matlock - I love her post on the charkas and her latest on the throat chakra is brilliant. A a Reiki practitioner I definitely took so notes!
4.) Robert Reich - writes about the ultra wealthy trying to buy their way into political power and how this is the exact problem we tried to avoid during the Gilded Age in this country. I enjoyed reading this perspective that feels like a vital history lesson we all need.
5.) The Beautiful Mess by John Pavlovitz - as always he hits it right on the head with his political posts.
6.) Astrologer’s Guide to Life on Earth by Denise Siegel - I am really enjoying Denise’s astrological coverage on politics. Here are a few posts that are exactly what I am predicting with my own insights.
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My calendar is open this fall for Tarot Readings, Astrology Readings and so many other Witchy Services. I also have availability for one-on-on Mentorship Sessions if you are interested in taking your craft to the next level. I look forward to working with you and expanding your spiritual and cosmic interest.
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Want to watch my Witchy Wednesdays series? Make sure you are Subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post my video content for the week. I also have a variety of unboxing videos and other fun tidbits there as well.
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Thank you so much for linking me in your article—what a pleasant surprise! I had to check my own chart to see why this unexpected gift came my way.
Uranus in Taurus is currently opposing my natal Mercury in Sagittarius by degree (which has been the case for a while now). However, today, transiting Venus in Sagittarius makes this moment even more special. This beautiful, bountiful feminine energy conjunct my Sagittarius Mercury feels extra significant, and I’m truly grateful.