This Full Moon in Aries will be a blessing in disguise. Times are dark, but we must choose to see and be the light that will pierce through the veils of uncertainty. Not only will this spread be helpful for us to navigate during these chaotic times before the election, but it will be useful when we collect undergo immense transformation with Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Aries.
Optimism, positivity, and remaining in faith will always be the most high vibrational answer. We must remember that Fear is Not An Option! Darkness, evil, and negativity are low vibrational and will never win, for you cannot kill hope. It is part of our human nature and instinct. At times it may seem that the dark is winning, but it is just an illusion to make us step out of our faith and into despair. Yet, Aries is the spirited warrior who will fight for the underdog and is the ultimate leader of new visions that will create a new positive future. Have no fear, move in love, and visualize a better world full of beautiful and abundant opportunities for all! Also, remember Aries rules the 1st House of the Self, we must honor who we are as well as allow others to stand in their authentic truth, as long as it does not harm the collective. In times like these do not forget your fiery spirit, autonomy, and voice! Your power is aligned with your Optimism. Now charge forward into the light!
If you like the spread below, I have self-published an E-book: Punk Rock Tarot Spreads with over 50 tarot spreads for you to use in your practice.
Also, please feel free to share with me your pictures of your spread. I would love to see them! Have fun and I hope this tarot spread brings so much magic to you own this eclipse! - Majorie
Work With Me
My calendar is open this fall for Tarot Readings, Astrology Readings and so many other Witchy Services. I also have availability for one-on-on Mentorship Sessions if you are interested in taking your craft to the next level. I look forward to working with you and expanding your spiritual and cosmic interest.
Watch on YouTube
Want to watch my Witchy Wednesdays series? Make sure you are Subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post my video content for the week. I also have a variety of unboxing videos and other fun tidbits there as well.
The Sabian Coven
Stay tuned for details on my bi-monthly virtual meet-up sesh called the Sabian Coven. This is where we will discuss the Sabian Symbols, anything and everything Astrology and Tarot related, Music, and Witchcraft. To join the coven you must be a Paid Subscriber to my Substack to have access! I’m so thrilled to create this group and all the coven adventures we are yet to have!
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The Punk Priestess is a reader supported publication that I pour my soul and heart into. $6/month grants you special access to insightful post, tarotscopes, special reading discounts, exclusive podcast episodes and insights into my witchy and cosmic practice. My Substack is where I spend most of my time and energy and I would be so honored if you would become a subscriber!