The North Node in Pisces
What are the nodes in astrology and what to expect with this nodal shift.

What are the Nodes?
In Evolutionary Astrology the moon’s nodes are the most important points in the birth chart. They show us our souls evolution and purpose. They are known as the Axis of Destiny. The nodes represent the polarity points of the planets and moon. To be more technical, the nodes are points where the orbit of the Moon intercepts the plane of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the imaginary path the Earth’s orbit follows around the Sun. Eclipses can only take place when the Sun and Earth are near each other on the ecliptic. The nodes are connected with the eclipses of the year.
As the nodes move through the zodiac and our charts, they activate different parts of our soul’s purpose. The Nodes help us grow, ground our gifts, and bring them into alignment with our life purpose. The North Node is the Northern point of the moon and is our Ascension. The South Node is the Southern point of the moon and is our Descension. The nodes travel backwards, meaning the nodes are always in retrograde motion.
On July 17th, 2023 the North Node moved into Aries and the next sign they will enter on January 12, 2025 will be Pisces. The North Node will be in Pisces until July 26, 2026. The nodes are always 180° a part from each-other, creating an opposition. There are few ways to calculate the Nodes which are the Mean Node and the True Node. The difference is usually by 2°. I personally use the True Node calculation.
The North Node and South Node will always be in opposite zodiac signs. For example, the North Node just arrived into Pisces, which means the South Node is in its opposite sign on Virgo. The nodes move through the signs of the zodiac every 18.6 years and spend 1.5 years in each zodiac sign. During Eclipse season, the zodiac signs that rule the nodes are where the Eclipses will be in that year. So the next set of solar and lunar eclipses will be in Aries, Pisces, and Virgo. (Please see the eclipse calendar for the new few years that the nodes are in Pisces and Virgo.)